Jimmie's Blog
Thursday, 29. August 2002
Three Essays

Three Titles That Interest Me

1. Dave Barry: "Road Warrior" page 107

I would like to read this essay because it has to do with a major part of most people's life. While driving is one of the most stressful and mind-numbing experiences it is very important to the human race, and Barry could bring some fun to it. Now, in the new millennium with faster cars, people having a blatant disregard for the speed limits, and the fits of rage that everyone has (but never want to admit it as a "problem"). While most of us think that road rage is a very serious problem, Barry is able to speak his mind of the problem and then make it a joke of sorts. I think that if everyone reads this essay it might help with the road rage problem. A person could be driving down I-64 and some one starts to tailgate you while there is the ever-present chance that if he looks over at your car as he passes he could see a gun pointed at him (especially in West Virginia, gun racks in trucks are a terrible combination). So the main reason that this essay would be beneficial for me to read is so the next time someone cuts me off or starts tailgating me, that I will remember this article and instead of opening up a can (of road rage that is) I will start laughing remembering the essay.

2. Sigmund Freud "The Interpretation of Dreams" page 301

The reason this story jumped out at me was because of my love for psychology and my interest in dreams. My love for psychology came from an accident. I was scheduled into the wrong class and couldn't get it changed before I went to the class. So there I am in a room full it people who I thought were crazy for wanting to spend their lives listening to other people's problems when the teacher, Mrs. Stevenson, started class by telling everyone how wonderful PENCIL POUCHES were and how much she loved them. I started listening and the entire subject just intrigued me! So I think that from what I learned in my first psychology class about Freud, how odd but at the same time interesting he was made this essay my first choice. But Freud was not the only thing that won me over; dreams have been an interesting subject to me. This has been true ever since I had a dream about my grandmother getting bitten by a snake and several other odd instances in the same dream. Disturbed by the oddness of the dream, I mentioned it to my sister, who just so happened to have bought the day before, a book on dream interpretations and looked it up for me. Come to find out, the dream meant she would get cancer, I though not a chance, my grandmother has one of the strongest souls and is one of the most healthful people I know! A week or two later my Dad came home and told me that my grandmother had went to the doctor for a routine check-up and they had found that she had cancer. I am glad to say that now she is in full remission and doing well. Since that experience thought, dreams have been a very interesting subject to me, although I am afraid to see the explanation of some of them it still stays one of my favorite subjects for learning.

3. Jonathon Swift "A Modest Proposal" page 662

Killing children and eating them. Hmm. A very interesting topic. I chose Jonathon Swift's "A Modest Proposal" as my third and final essay. The main reason I chose this was because I had read an excerpt of it in my senior English class. The second reason for my choice was that children taste wonderful! Ask Julia Child; she has a recipe for a great dipping sauce! No, just kidding, the second reason for this choice was I enjoy satire. Although this is the most absurd essay I have ever heard, it was still funny after so many hundreds of years! Satire is one of the most enjoyable forms of literature in my opinion. It's sort of like saying, Let's read a little, but still keep it interesting. Swift as a secret agent had a very good balance in this essay, he was able to make his idea so unusual as to draw attention to the essay while his undercover plot, speaking out on a major problem in Ireland and offering an actual idea for how to lessen it, in his out-of-the-ordinary way of writing.

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